Whether you’re figuring out child custody, child support, or the division of assets, there are laws in place that apply to military couples that don’t apply to civilians. Couples consisting of one or both partners who are serving in […]
Loss of Continuing Benefit and the Factors That Affect the Division of Property in Georgia Courts Deciding how to divide property and assets in a divorce can be a complex process. Court judges consider a wide range of evidence to […]
Community Property Laws in Georgia Protecting your financial interests and wellbeing requires you to understand how Georgia courts view property and assets you share with your spouse. Separate and marital (or community) property are treated differently in Georgia family courts. […]
How Separate Property Laws in Georgia Protect You and Your Property When two people divorce, they must decide how to divide shared assets and property. If they can’t agree on the terms, then it’s up to the family courts to […]
Marital Fault in Georgia Family Law There are many reasons why couples choose to divorce. In some cases, misconduct on the part of one or both parties may be the cause. This can include adultery, abandonment, physical or emotional violence, […]
How a Prenuptial Agreement Can Protect Your Premarital Assets in a Divorce Protecting your interests is the most important thing when going through a divorce. The assets you and your spouse acquired during the marriage are at risk of being […]
The Division of Assets in LGBT+ Divorce The Supreme Court’s recognition of same-sex marriage gave LGBT+ couples equal rights of marriage under federal law. But this also led to a growing need among LGBT+ couples for legal representation in a […]
LGBTQ+ Marriage, Divorce, Prenups, and Other Legal Issues to Consider The legalization of same-sex marriage in the United States was a landmark victory for the LGBTQ+ community. All individuals now have the right to marry whoever they choose and obtain […]
Your right to appeal a judge’s court order is a valuable part of the legal process. It lets either party in a family court case secure a new outcome if errors were made by the courts. But can you still […]
Under Georgia family law, both parties in a lawsuit can seek to modify or overturn a court’s final order. The decisions that courts make affect all aspects of a divorce case including child custody and visitation, the separation of marital […]