When married couples decide to go their separate ways, there are important decisions they need to make that can impact the wellbeing of the entire family. Military servicemembers have to consider laws that don’t apply to civilian couples. These laws […]
Whether you’re figuring out child custody, child support, or the division of assets, there are laws in place that apply to military couples that don’t apply to civilians. Couples consisting of one or both partners who are serving in […]
Married couples made up of one or two military servicemembers face the same challenges as civilians. But they also face unique circumstances due to the risk of deployment and frequent travel. Every year, tens of thousands of military couples get […]
Parental custody ensures that a child receives the care they need. When parents decide to go their separate ways through a divorce, making decisions on child custody can be a complex process. It can be even more complicated when […]
Establishing child support is an essential part of the divorce process. It ensures that children get the support they need when parents decide to part ways and divide their financial assets. But if one or both spouses are in […]
Many couples choose to live together without ever becoming legally married. Understanding how cohabitation can affect issues related to personal finances, alimony, and child support is an important part of protecting you and your family’s wellbeing. In Georgia family […]
Couples who choose to live together without getting married often assume they have the same rights as married couples. But under Georgia state law, married couples have distinct rights that cohabiting couples do not share. This is especially […]
Wills can dictate how your personal property and assets will be distributed at the time of your death. A will can prevent confusion and conflict among family members and friends who may have unrealistic expectations about receiving an inheritance. Without […]
Many couples choose to live together without getting married. For some, it can be the first step toward marriage, while for others, cohabiting can simply be a personal choice to forgo the legal institution of marriage. But cohabiting couples may […]
There are plenty of legal strategies available for protecting the wellbeing of you and your spouse. But many couples overlook the benefits that a power of attorney (POA) can provide when one spouse becomes incapacitated or unavailable to make important […]