There are many aspects of a divorce case that must be considered in order achieve the outcome you want. Issues related to child custody and support, the equitable division of property, and alimony can impact your future wellbeing.
Determining how much alimony you’re entitled to depends on a number of factors. The duration of your marriage can influence the court’s decision when granting alimony to a spouse.
The following will help you understand how the duration of the marriage affects the division of property and the complex issues that arise for couples who have been married for a significant amount of time.
Alimony Factors and Misconceptions
In addition to the duration of the marriage, other factors are used by family law courts when determining how much spousal support should be granted.
These include the standard of living that was established during the marriage as well as the health and age of both spouses, their financial resources, contribution to the marriage, and ability to find employment based on their skill sets.
Separate assets, financial history, and other factors also influence the court’s decisions. But there are still many misconceptions about alimony and the duration of your marriage.
Many people assume that a shorter duration of marriage leads to less alimony. But this isn’t always the case, as the other factors mentioned above may increase the amount of alimony that’s granted to you.
Also, alimony can be granted to men in a divorce, and it cannot be revoked once it has been awarded to a spouse.
Consulting with an experienced family law attorney helps you obtain the spousal support you need to protect the wellbeing of you and your entire family.
The Duration of Marriage and Property Distribution
Every marriage is unique, and the circumstances related to your divorce will determine the resolution of your case.
Courts go beyond the standard equal division of assets when factors such as the duration of your marriage, financial needs, employability, and others are considered.
In some marriages, one spouse may rely on the other financially due to a lack of employment or a significantly lower income.
Long-term marriages place these individuals at a higher financial risk, as it may be difficult to re-enter the workforce due to age, health, or lack of skills.
These and other risks can keep you from maintaining the standard of living that was established during the marriage.
This also applies to marriages that shorter marriages if there is a significant difference between the income of both spouses.
Shorter marriages typically result in an equal division and distribution of property. But working with a skilled attorney can help you maximize the amount of alimony you receive.
Getting Legal Help for Complex Alimony Issues
Some marriage may involve more complex issues due to their duration and other factors.
Long-term marriages generally consist of a larger number of assets and property that must be valuated and divided. Business interests, real estate, and retirement accounts make it difficult to estimate how much alimony you’ll receive.
Your attorney can help you gather all of the information and documentation related to you and your spouse’s financial history. You may also need the help of other professionals to ensure that you get the alimony you deserve.
An experienced family law attorney can provide you with all of the resources you need to achieve a successful outcome in your divorce case.
Having an understanding of Georgia family laws and developing the right strategy for your case gives you the spousal support you need to maintain your standard of living and the wellbeing of your entire family.