
Domestic Violence and Sexual Abuse: Protecting Yourself in Family Law Courts

Domestic Violence and Sexual Abuse: Protecting Yourself in Family Law Courts

Sexual abuse causes lasting injuries to entire families. Understanding the role of sexual abuse in domestic violence can help you get the resources you need to escape an abusive relationship.

Learning how to recognize common signs of sexual abuse helps victims get the help they need.

Consulting with a family law attorney is the first step to protecting you and your family from sexual abuse and other forms of domestic violence.

Sexual Abuse in the Home

Sexual assault involves any unwanted contact of a sexual nature. These acts can be committed by a domestic partner, co-workers, family members, or total strangers.

Like other forms of domestic violence, sexual abuse allows the abuser to control, degrade, and isolate their victim, and it often occurs alongside physical violence.

When sexual and physical abuse are present, victims are at a higher risk for serious injuries or even death.

Sexual assaults are more likely to involve domestic partners than strangers, and many women in abusive relationships experience sexual abuse at some point during the relationship.

Sexual abuse can occur on multiple occasions in domestic violence. Victims are left with lasting physical and emotional scars, and they experience higher rates of anxiety and depression.

Recognizing the Signs of Sexual Abuse in Domestic Violence

Recognizing when someone is being sexually abused can be difficult. Bruises, scratches, and other signs seen in many physically violent acts aren’t always present in sexual abuse cases.

Because sexual abuse is more likely to occur alongside other forms of domestic violence, some other common signs may be an indication that there is some sexual abuse.

An abuser who exerts control over a domestic partner through isolation, intimidation, and coercion may suggest the risk of sexual abuse.

Controlling a person’s finances, preventing them from seeking employment, and other forms of financial control are commonly seen in domestic abuse.

Victims may become isolated from their family or friends. Some may find it difficult to concentrate at work.

Physical signs of abuse such as scratches, painful injuries, and torn clothing may also be indicators to look out for.

Getting the Protection You Need

Georgia family laws are in place to protect victims of sexual abuse and other forms of domestic violence.

The state’s Family Violence Act helps victims obtain temporary custody of children and the financial support they need to escape from an abusive environment.

Protective orders and other legal measures can protect you from being contacted by your abuser or getting possession of your home

Family law courts can order the abuser to attend counseling, pay for your legal fees and other costs, and be arrested if they fail to abide by court orders.

Understanding your legal rights and gathering the evidence that supports your case helps you get the support you need to escape sexual abuse in the home.

Most victims are afraid to protect themselves through the family law courts. Consulting with a family law attorney helps you choose the best legal strategy for your case to create a safer future for you and your family.
